

🚌 By bus:

Bu­da­pest-Arló direct, without trans­fer (2.5 hours)

  1. take bus 1031 at the stop Sta­di­o­nok going towards Ózd
  2. take off at the stop "Arló, Arlói-tó be­já­rati út" (don’t forget to sign it)


  • normal price: 3000 Ft
  • dis­coun­ted price for stu­dents: 1700 Ft
  • You can buy tickets either in person or online on the fol­lo­wing link.

🚗 By Car:

Bu­da­pest-Eger-Arló (2 hours)

  1. go forward on M3 until the exit number 108 (towards Eger and Ózd)
  2. take the exit onto M25, go until Eger


We offer mul­tiple options for ac­com­mo­da­ti­on during the fes­ti­val

Camping near the lake of Arló, with the most be­au­ti­ful scenery

  • for 4000 forints for 2 nights
  • Camping tickets can be purc­ha­sed either by bank trans­fer or at the fes­ti­val site.
  • To comp­lete your booking, please trans­fer the full amount of 3000 HUF to Vera Riesz, the Head of the Or­ga­ni­zer Team. Upon comp­le­ti­on of the trans­fer, please send the proof to ud­var­, where we will confirm your booking.

Houses near the lake of Arló

Further options


  • Our goal is that child­ren and locals can par­ti­ci­pate free of charge in con­certs, music, art and edu­ca­ti­o­nal ses­sions to which they have limited access due to their place of res­idence, social backg­round or eth­ni­city.
  • Since we only cover the costs of the or­ga­ni­za­ti­on with a small amount of tender and do­na­ti­on-type re­sour­ces, we ask for your support so that the fes­ti­val can be or­ga­ni­zed with the richest and most col­or­ful program pos­sible.
  • The or­ga­ni­zers do not receive an ho­no­r­ari­um.

Location and time coming soon...