Logo of Udvar Fesztival
2024. June 14-15


The entrance ticket can be purc­ha­sed on the spot for 3000 HUF. Entry is free for res­idents of Arló and the sur­roun­ding area, and for child­ren under 18.

*By pre­sent­ing a res­iden­ti­al address card issued to one of the sett­le­ments of the Ózd dis­t­rict (dis­t­rict sett­le­ments: Ózd; Bor­sod­ná­dasd; Arló; Bor­sod­bóta; Bor­sod­szent­györgy; Bükk­mo­gyo­rósd; Cser­nely; Csok­va­o­mány; Do­ma­háza; Far­kas­lyuk; Hangony; Jár­dán­háza; Kis­si­ká­tor; Lé­nárd­da­róc; Ne­ké­zseny; Sáta; Uppony)


  • Our goal is that child­ren and locals can par­ti­ci­pate free of charge in con­certs, music, art and edu­ca­ti­o­nal ses­sions to which they have limited access due to their place of res­idence, social backg­round or eth­ni­city.
  • Since we only cover the costs of the or­ga­ni­za­ti­on with a small amount of tender and do­na­ti­on-type re­sour­ces, we ask for your support so that the fes­ti­val can be or­ga­ni­zed with the richest and most col­or­ful program pos­sible.
  • The or­ga­ni­zers do not receive an ho­no­r­ari­um.

Location and time coming soon...