About us


  • Udvar Festival is a platform support­ing understanding, knowledge and reconciliation, which is meant to facilitate the meeting of people of different backgrounds, ethnicities and native languages.
  • Its aim is to shed a new light on the Roma community and its art, thus helping its social recognition. With our initiative, we want to take an active role in the fight against prejudice and polarization at the social level.
  • We believe that all this is essential for the success­ful and balanced present and future of the Roma children in focus of our project.
...so that children and locals can participate in a festival with a diverse program for free!

Who are we?

  • Vera Riesz

    Main Or­ga­ni­zer


  • Péter Újvári

    Or­ga­ni­zer res­pon­sible for music prog­rams and lo­gis­tics


  • Franciska Tóth

    Or­ga­ni­zer res­pon­sible for mar­ke­ting


  • Panka Ringwald

    Vo­lun­te­er Co­or­di­na­tor

  • Tina Horváth

    Lo­gis­tics or­ga­ni­zer

  • Lili Frech

    Graphic artist, de­sign­er

  • Róbert Velkey

    Or­ga­ni­zer res­pon­sible for lo­gis­tics (Je­len­lét House)

  • Rahel Peterlini

    Or­ga­ni­zer res­pon­sible for in­ter­na­ti­o­nal re­la­tions


If you agree with our goals and you work in a company that would be re­cep­tive to co­ope­ra­ti­on, contact us! Call Péter Újvári (+36 70 365 0051), Vera Riesz (+43 660 4439 499), Fran­ciska Tóth (+36209386276) or write us an email at ud­var­feszt@gmail.com.


  • Our goal is that child­ren and locals can par­ti­ci­pate free of charge in con­certs, music, art and edu­ca­ti­o­nal ses­sions to which they have limited access due to their place of res­idence, social backg­round or eth­ni­city.
  • Since we only cover the costs of the or­ga­ni­za­ti­on with a small amount of tender and do­na­ti­on-type re­sour­ces, we ask for your support so that the fes­ti­val can be or­ga­ni­zed with the richest and most col­or­ful program pos­sible.
  • The or­ga­ni­zers do not receive an ho­no­r­ari­um.

Location and time coming soon...